Why I Don’t Use Debuggers

Other notable authors have already written good posts about this topic, but I was recently encouraged to do so as well.

First, the title isn’t entirely true. I’ll break out gdb when I need to get the backtrace of a native application crash. I’ll do the equivalent for any runtime that doesn’t provide information about the method or function that produced the exception. However, I otherwise avoid them.

Debuggers make it possible to make sense of larger sets of code than you might otherwise be able to. This is helpful, but it can lead you into believing you can deal with more complexity than you can. Debuggers are a crutch that get you past some of your limitations, but when the limitations of the debuggers are reached, you may find yourself in a briar patch.


Threading and multiple processes

Stepping through multiple threads can be a bear. Threading and multi-processing in general can be dangerous to your health. I prefer concurrency models that isolate to an extreme degree any concurrency primitives. I’ve not tried but I’ve heard good things about Threading Building Blocks.

Runtime Data Models

Investigating data in a debugger may require some familiarity with runtime representations of data structures rather than interacting with your data structures via familiar interfaces.

Additionally, the runtime data structures typically don’t have standard implementations, so they can change from version to version without warning. In fact, depending on the goals of the implementation, the underlying form of the data could change run-to-run or intra-run. I tend to prefer to rely on the documented interfaces.

On the other hand, debuggers provide a good way to get familiar with runtime data structures.

Complex Failure Conditions

When using debuggers in my more youthful days, I found that complicated issues were easier to track down if some code changes were made to provide breakpoints under odd conditions. This seemed antithetical to the purpose of a debugger. Maybe I was doing it wrong…

Not Recorded

I’ve never seen anyone record a debugging session such that they could return to a particular debugger state. I’m sure it could be done, but I don’t know how valid that technique would be if small modifications were made to the original software and retried.

Debugger Unavailability

In some rare circumstances, debuggers aren’t available for the environment you’re using. If you haven’t developed any other techniques for finding problems, you may be stuck.

Preferred Techniques

Unit Testing

I cannot stress this enough: unit testing, done well, forces you to break your code into smaller, functional units. Small functional units are key to solid design. Think about the standard libraries in the language(s) you use: the standalone functionality, the complete independence of the operation of your code, the ease with which one could verify their correct functioning. That’s how you should be designing.

Note that once you know the method/function in which the fault happened, you’ve narrowed the problem down significantly. If you did a good job at functional decomposition, you’re typically only a few steps from the source of the problem. If not, judicious application of the other techniques will tease it out.

If you find that the behavior of your module is too complicated to easily write unit tests, that may be a sign that your module is too big. On rare occassion the input domain is so rich with varying behaviors that directly testing the interesting input combinations is impractical. Those can be managed with more advanced testing techniques, see: QuickCheck.

Invariant Checks

When code separation proves to be difficult because of a lack of regression testing around the parts that you’re changing, invariant checks are a technique that can be used as a temporary shim. These are tests that run inline with the code of interest to check conditions usually before and after a method/function call or a block of code.

The invariant code can form some of the foundational functions when you do eventually get around to creating the unit tests for your new module.

Print/Log Debugging

The dreaded printf() debugging! This isn’t ideal, but it can give some quick info about a problem without much fuss. If you find you’re adding hundreds of printf()’s to track something down, I might suggest that you’re using some of the other techniques inadequately. If this is the position you’re in, a debugger might actually be a benefit.

Note that, again, all code written to try to weed out your problem may be valuable for one or more tests.

I’ve also used ring buffers embedded in devices that store the last 1000 or so interesting events so that when an obscure failure happens, there exists some record of what the software was doing at the time.

Where Debuggers Shine

Compiler debugging. This is an absolute pain without debuggers, and I wouldn’t recommend it.

Heisenbugs: Those bugs that disappear with any change to the code. Then a debugger is about the only way to attempt to get a look at it. Those bugs usually warrant pulling out all the stops. Fortunately, many of the newer languages have entirely eliminated these bugs. Good riddance.

Other Tools

I do appreciate other tools like code checkers and profilers. They usually work without much input and communicate their results in terms of the language they’re checking. I’m a fan of this model.

A seemingly close relative of debuggers, the REPL tools, look promising. I’ve never used them, but they look like they operate almost entirely in terms of the language that they’re debugging. I’m a fan of this model.


I prefer debugging techniques that produce additional useful work and provide support for refactoring if the situation warrants it. Every bug potentially reveals a need to re-implement or re-design. Debuggers feel more like patchwork.