Creating with Quality

I read a book not too long ago, Lila by Robert Pirsig, where the author describes a system for organizing information and performing work. In it he describes two parts, a change agent and a lock-in mechanism. The change agent could be anything — a person or any kind of random interaction — anything that can bump the system into a new state based on a set of rules. The lock-in mechanism is the way that changes get stored and checked for usefulness. He likens this to a ratchet where a little work can be done, checked, and stored in a state where you can leave and return to make more progress at a later time.

This applies to virtually all creation. The universe is a soup of particles being tossed about operating under a strict set of rules:

  • Assuming for discussion that quantum is the base
  • Quantum wave/particle interaction yields a stable atomic system
  • Atomic interactions yield a chemical system
  • Chemical interactions yield a protein system
  • Protein interactions yield a DNA system
  • DNA manipulations yield codified social systems

I may have skipped some steps, but I think it can be seen that each layer rests on the foundations of the previous layer. Each of these systems are subject to changes from various sources. Each of these layers has a mechanism for storing and/or replicating those changes to be acted on at a later time. DNA is an incredibly rich system, but it’s nothing compared to the level at which we are/will-be operating intellectually.

Every factory comes from a blueprint and list of processes for creation. Stores and shops facilitate resource distribution, and offices are home to countless business-value processes. These are all improving regularly, sometimes like clockwork with a predictable pace.

If you have a system that allows you to make changes and check them against all the expectations of the system, you can very quickly deliver new features with confidence.

This model easily applies to software development. In fact, we explicitly structure projects in this manner. The engineers and designers are the change agents for obvious reasons. The revision control, build, and test systems are the lock-in mechanism. The software power-shops have their lock-in time frame down to hours, if that. They can make changes and push them to customers and users extremely rapidly. The trick to making this work well is a high fidelity ratchet — your tests.

Completeness is important in your testing. Missing and delivering problems can be like slipping a tooth in your ratchet. If enough teeth are slipping, you’ll find it gets very difficult to advance as the expectations of your system grow.

Frequently you’ll find that you need to improve the ratchet itself. Less work per stored change (architecture) or less verification time (testing overhead) will bring the ratchet cycle time down, ultimately making you more productive — and by much more than the reduced overhead. When an idle 15 minutes could turn into a product 15 minutes, the frequent little boosts add up.

I personally prefer to be able to do something useful and verifiable within 30-60 minutes. If that’s not easily doable, I tend to put time into my ratchet.

The small-cycle ratcheting technique can apply to other types of creative work as well. Model simulation and rapid prototyping techniques are quickly turning relatively complex manufacturing into an everyman’s game. I think we’ll be better off for it.

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